How Will You Use Your Fringe Hours?

7 a.m. – Dear Journal, the kids are off to school and I sit here with my coffee in hand ready to embrace the whirlwind of chores and activities on my to-do list today. Go mom!

(Insert a busy day full of a gazillion distractions! Zap, poof, gone!)

11 p.m. – Dear Journal, I stare at the clock in disbelief as I realize only half of what I set out to do today is finished and if I don’t get to bed soon, tomorrow is going to be tough to get through… Tired mom!

My guess is, our journals would look similar. Whether you work outside the home or in, it’s easy for us to quickly lose an entire day in the multitude of responsibilities we have, leaving ourselves exhausted, neglected and often missing out on activities that nourish our creative spirits.

How Will You Use Your Fringe Hours?

This month, thanks to my partnership with Hallmark, I received a beautiful gift, a review copy of The Fringe Hours by Jessica N. Turner which encouraged me to reexamine how I structure my day and the obstacles blocking my desire to take better care of myself.  To say I was in a bit of a rut and willfully ignoring some of my favorite passions would be an understatement!  As I worked through this guide, I began to see how much I was trying to juggle and how much guilt and a few unhealthy habits were hindering my ability to discover and nurture my creativity, explore my interests and even do more of the things I love each day that I am managing to squeak in.

Looking at my to-do list with fresh eyes, I realized there was plenty of room for improvement in the sense that some of the things I put on there by habit (particularly work-related tasks) were not leading me towards an end goal I felt passionate about, nor leading me towards the fulfilled as-balanced-as-possible lifestyle I crave.

It’s not about time management, it’s not about cramming more into my already busy schedule, it’s about taking time – the fringe hours, per say – to take care of ourselves and free up the channels that are blocking our path to a more fulfilled life.

Can you relate?

The author of The Fringe Hours keeps a quote on her desk that resonates well with me:

“If what you do doesn’t matter to you, it’s really not going to matter to anyone else.”

Now if that isn’t a power statement!

How Will You Use Your Fringe Hours?

The book doesn’t offer a quick fix, rather it helps you tap into the talents and know-how you already have, reinforces the vital importance of self-care, and gifts you with an interactive format to examine how to best make your life more meaningful and beautiful.  It’s an exercise that I’m grateful to be working through and one I think we all owe ourselves the chance to explore.

I’m still working through the principles of The Fringe Hours, but already finding more joy in my day.  To me, that’s priceless!

Another perk I love about The Fringe Hours is there’s an entire DaySpring product collection built around the principles of the book to help encourage you throughout the day to find and take time for yourself and the things that matter, including:

  • The Fringe Hours Inspirational Journal
  • The Fringe Hours Assorted Premium Cards (terrific for nourishing your friendships!)
  • The Fringe Hours Postcard Set
  • The Fringe Hours To-Do List Memo Pad
  • The Fringe Hours Canvas Pouch (great for keeping your items together and transporting when traveling!)

I received samples of the above items, too, and simply love The Fringe Hours Assorted Premium Cards and the To-Do List Memo Pad the most.  The cards have such lovely expressions and are perfect for sending encouragement to family and friends.  The memo pad is a daily visual reminder that helps keep me thinking about what should really be on that list.

My life is always a work-in-progress and it’s such a joy to discover books and products that help fuel my passions and help me to improve my quality of life and happiness factor.  If this quest resonates with you, I think you will find the same rich rewards awaiting in The Fringe Hours!

How Will You Use Your Fringe Hours?

Do you take enough time to take care of your needs? How do you use your fringe hours? 



Tags: health
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
Healing Our Large Breed Dog Joint Problems Naturally | Dr. Harvey's Orthoflex What Does Your Furniture Says About Your Personality?


    • Kim Croisant
    • January 13, 2016

    Yes, I agree – there is always room for improvement in any thing that we do. These journals are beautiful.

    • Nancy L.
    • January 13, 2016

    I definitely need to make more time for myself. I love the products that The Fringe Hours have available to help remind us how special we are too! I think sometimes we forget to take care and make time for ourselves. Love this! Heading over to the fringe hours to decide what I should get! 😉

    • Coralie
    • January 13, 2016

    I love this idea. It is so important to take time for the things you love. I have really been trying hard to work on this for the last couple of weeks and my life overall has improved. It is amazing the difference in myself, when I take time for myself. Thanks for sharing!

    • Wendy
    • January 13, 2016

    This is speaking VOLUMES to me. I’ve try every day to move mountains but feel like I’m just pushing dirt around. I can’t figure out what happens with my time and my list of priorities. I really like that author’s quote. Definitely looking for this book!

    • Marcie W.
    • January 13, 2016

    I can definitely relate and could use a bit of guidance when it comes to using my time more wisely and making more time for myself. Social media is often a big distraction and I miss doing certain things I love like reading.

      • Barb Webb
      • January 14, 2016

      Social media is a big time drain for me, too, Marcie! I’m working on ways to make sure I cut back, like setting time specifically for online activities and using timers. So far, it’s helping a bit 🙂

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