Why Choose the SAT for your Teen: Test Prep

Did you know there is free personalized online help for students to prep for the SAT?  Me neither!  Thanks to my partnership with the College Board, I have the inside scoop on how to help your teen test prep for the SAT to share with you today!

Right now, I’m about to cross some major mom milestone as my sons begin to prepare for college entrance.  In a few short months (March,) my oldest will be taking the SAT, and quite frankly, I’m less than prepared.

He feels confident, which is awesome! I also want to make sure he has every advantage and edge to maximize his performance on the test. Why? Because we all know those SAT scores can make a big difference when it comes to getting into the college of my son’s choice and for potential scholarships, too.

Why Choose the SAT for your Teen: Test Prep

I recently learned that the SAT test has been revised and the new SAT is more straightforward than ever before as the content is now focused on what their teachers are covering in the classroom each day. There are no more obscure SAT words and there is no longer a guessing penalty for wrong answers. I particularly like this update as it gives teens more confidence in choosing answers without having to stress about the losing points.

What I love best is that the College Board in partnership with Khan Academy now offers all students free customized SAT practice! This is an amazing tool for students to help them have the chance to improve their scores on the SAT. The online practice is personalized for each student and better yet, it’s 100 percent free!

According to studies conducted by the College Board, students who practice for 20 hours on Khan Academy gained an average of 115 points from the PSAT/NMSQT to SAT compared to those students who did not use Official SAT Practice. This advantage can make a world of difference when it comes times to complete your college applications.

Other cool features of the Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy include:

  • Students can link their PSAT/NMSQT results to Khan Academy to obtain personalized practice exercises to improve their scores or take diagnostic quizzes
  • There are 8 practice tests on the website giving the students ample resources
  • The free SAT practice levels the test field, offering equality in access to SAT preparation for students nationwide
  • Khan Academy practice tests help pinpoint the skills your teen needs to improve
  • Students move through the practice exercises at their own pace

With this excellent, free resource, you can easily help your teen prep for the SAT.  To enhance their experience, be sure to designate a quiet, comfortable spot in your home where they can complete the practice tests and be sure to allow them enough time to work on the practice tests without interruptions.  It’s a good idea to encourage them leave items like cell phones in a different area of the home, so they will be able to fully focus on learning.

It’s equally important to support your teen emotionally. Have a heart-to-heart chat with them prior to introducing them to the free Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy. Let them know how much you believe in them and how the SAT test is an important step on the road to their future aspirations, but also assure them that they don’t need to over-stress about their score. Students are often very stressed about the test scores, so remind them that the SAT score is only one facet of what it considered in college applications and scholarships. Remind them of all the wonderful building blocks they already have in place like good grades, extracurricular activities, community service and other high-school related achievements.

Ultimately, one of the best stress-relievers you can gift them is preparation. When we feel fully prepared for an event, we have more confidence and are more likely to achieve our desired outcome. The free, customized, Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy is an excellent way to help your student have the skills they need to achieve their goals!

Tags: Back-to-school, Teen
Barb Webb. Founder and Editor of Rural Mom, is an the author of "Getting Laid" and "Getting Baked". A sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky, when she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s making tea and writing about country living and artisan culture.
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    • Ricardo Cecilia
    • February 2, 2018

    SAT is very important exam. Most of student choose this part for bright future. But SAT exam is not a easy to pass. Do the lots of practice! Your blog gives the right information on SAT exam. Thanks a Lot…

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